Dating or just hanging out?

Words were and are still being written about ‘dating’ that even printers are running out of ink! In life there are things we go to school to learn about while others don’t need morning preps to tackle.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Words were and are still being written about ‘dating’ that even printers are running out of ink! In life there are things we go to school to learn about while others don’t need morning preps to tackle.Dating is essentially getting to know someone over an extended period of time to determine if a serious relationship is something worth pursuing. A ‘date’ refers to an activity two people share together with the intention of getting to know each other better on a potentially romantic level. This is totally not the same as ‘hanging out’. ‘Hanging out’ is when people get together with the intention of having fun. It usually involves more then 2 people and gender has nothing to do with it. A lady can hangout with fellow ladies and have fun and a guy can hang out with fellow guys to enjoy soccer or some pints. Men might not be on top of things but even they know when to draw a line sometimes! Take dating for example – I’ve never heard of a guy who goes out with a girl for the first time and brings his entire crew of friends along for the ride! Women do this all the time and I can’t begin to tell you how infuriating this is. Girl, if you have agreed to go out on a date with a guy, why bring the entire girl brigade along with you? That’s called hanging out but a date is meant for two people. In case you didn’t know, it’s extremely rude and uncivilized and should never happen again.Is it that you want to drain every franc the man has? Well – that’s not cool – especially when he could be a potential mate. Think about it. As for the guys, if you want to check out women’s breasts the whole time you are out then I suggest you go to a bar where people will assume you are drunk! Do not take a girl out then start drooling at other women’s bottoms and chest! If you are not hanging out, it won’t hurt to show some respect by pulling her chair out for her. Contrary to whatever you believe, it is not ‘unmanly’ to take care of a woman. Agree on what it is you are doing before doing it – whether it is hanging out or dating – then act accordingly!