There is a reason earphones exist

I have failed to understand why some people find it necessary to play music from their phones (or small radios) so loud as if everyone is in a musical mood.

Thursday, September 13, 2012
Rachel Garuka

I have failed to understand why some people find it necessary to play music from their phones (or small radios) so loud as if everyone is in a musical mood.Even though blasting music in the comfort of one’s home is still an inconvenience to the neighbours, at least it is their territory. However, people seriously need to be more considerate when it comes to public domain. Every time I’m in a taxi, there is always some chap letting us know what songs he has on his phone!I once waited over 45 minutes at a bus stop next to the Ministry of Justice for a taxi going to Kimironko. It was around 2pm and the sun had never been more angry. Irritated beyond words seeing as taxis just flew past me, I decided to sit down next to some guy.As if I wasn’t irritated enough or the man was invincible, he turned on his music, making sure I heard every word. I had the strongest urge to squeeze the air out of him. It was one thing dealing with the scorching sun and unavailable transportation, but putting up with songs in God knows what language was just unacceptable! I left him to his music and grabbed the first moto I saw, wondering why I didn’t do that in the first place!Sometimes on an evening stroll, there is a character blasting music from something in his hand. The first time this happened, I thought there was an open bar only to realise the music was walking right passed me.What gets on my nerves even further is the culprits don’t realise just how irritating this is. Another had a huge grin on his face - singing along to what I can only assume was an awful version of Yvonne Chaka Chaka’s Ukomboti! I looked at him, frowning as hard as I could but he wasn’t moved. In fact, he upped the volume instead! Mad as a provoked rhino, I continued walking but I swear I heard him chuckle behind me. I don’t want to sound arrogant in anyway but in case word isn’t out yet (to some people), there are these really cool things called earphones - a pair of small loudspeakers designed to be held in place in a user’s ears. This means once those little suckers are in, you can blast that volume all you want and no one can say anything. If you want to become deaf, that’s your business – they are your ears. Enjoy your own insanity.I’m sure whoever invented earphones wasn’t mad or high. I’m sure they too were irritated by some grin wearing madman walking around blasting songs from his mini radio or whatever. If we want loud music, there are bars and clubs for that.