Rejection’s negative impact on an individual

Rejection is the inability to give or receive love - some say it is hereditary. Rejection does not necessarily mean there is no love but it IS absent in the equation to some extent. It may be affection, a simple touch or the spoken word that builds this rejection.

Thursday, September 13, 2012
Abandoned children find it hard warming up to people. Net photo.

Rejection is the inability to give or receive love - some say it is hereditary. Rejection does not necessarily mean there is no love but it IS absent in the equation to some extent. It may be affection, a simple touch or the spoken word that builds this rejection. Many people feel unloved and unwanted and that leads to insecurity and a feeling of unworthiness. Getting close to others is difficult. It is easy to feel rejected by them without so much happening. It is also easy to put the barriers up and refuse to let the others in. Sometimes people do not want to love because they have not received any love or they don’t understand love. You cannot receive what you don’t recognize. You cannot give what you don’t posses. Rejection can affect every area of a person’s life wounding deep into their inner personality and spirit.Why rejection is a problemWho would have thought that a three-year-old girl dumped at a railway station was there because her parents didn’t want her? The fighting revolved around the fact that neither parent wanted her. So finally, they both went separate ways and left her alone at the station.Ann became an orphan, yet both her parents were very much alive .She was taken into child custody and ended up in an orphanage where she stayed until her teenage years. There was nothing hidden about her inability to warm up to people. And who would blame her? She was dumped like rubbish. Many people say that children are too young to understand. But Ann knew exactly what happened to her and grew up in that orphanage longing to be loved, to be accepted, to belong! We all deserve to feel worthy and wanted - no one should wake up in the morning feeling unloved or unacceptable in society. Without love in someone’s life, how can they be expected to give it back? Without acceptance and genuine care for one another, the world is better off being one big empty nothing!