Security at airports is very important

Editor, Security is vital. If you want to know the value of security, try insecurity and you will see. Whether you have Bugesera (airport) or not, passengers, crew and the general public need to be protected by all means.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Editor,Security is vital. If you want to know the value of security, try insecurity and you will see. Whether you have Bugesera (airport) or not, passengers, crew and the general public need to be protected by all means. Insecurity at an airport may have a very big devastating effect to the economy of Rwanda and you never know when insecurity will come, it will always catch you unaware. Security is also one of the basic fundamentals of airport operations; without it, you have no aircraft operations and the airport would be like any other abandoned building in town.Seth, Kigali

---------------------------------------Editor,The first phase of Bugesera Airport is worth $350 million (conservatively budgeted – it will surely cost more), and might not see the light of day anytime soon. The government’s pledge to get it done through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) means private investors have to find appetite in it, but before those people could put their money in the project, they will have a look at what is happening now – the Kigali International Airport needs to attain a critical mass that would justify, or that seems logic for the expansion in Bugesera. Expanding it for $15 million is good then. Our government has a vision that is fine, if they keep working towards it, at a certain point they will be trusted by bigger investors. Will, Vienna(Reaction to a story titled "Airport to get $15m facelift” published on September 12).