Small businesses need low interest loans

Editor, Rwanda’s economic challenges today as you position it to be the most competitive in the region needs to be seen by private sector players as having the best enabling business environment.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Rwandan women are making a living in weaving. The New Times. File.

Editor,Rwanda’s economic challenges today as you position it to be the most competitive in the region needs to be seen by private sector players as having the best enabling business environment. Small businesses need to be able to access low interest loans and a friendlier regulatory framework.The few and more costly business schools in the country need to produce the desired expertise to run a few multi-nationals with limited capital. Such indicators will surely place Kigali in the perceived place in the region.(Reaction to the story titled, ‘Kagame addresses World Economic Forum’, The New Times, September 12).Anthony Munanira, Washington D.C