How to tackle Candida

Candidiasis is a common disease among women. It is a disease that any woman could suffer especially the ones with poor hygiene. It normally affects the female sexual organs.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Candida Albicans is a widespread organism that normally lives in healthy balance in the body, found in the vagina, mouth, digestive tract and on the skin without causing disease or symptoms. Net photo.

Candidiasis is a common disease among women. It is a disease that any woman could suffer especially the ones with poor hygiene. It normally affects the female sexual organs.Candidiasis is an infection of any yeast of the Candida genus. It also frequently affects the mouth and throat is commonly known as thrush. Candida may be found in up to 50 percent of the population and candida albicans is responsible for 70 to 80 percent of these cases. It usually affects individuals with compromised immune systems. Dr Javier Rwamwejo, an obstetrician and gynecologist in Kigali, said that the main cause of Candida is wearing tight nylon pants that don’t release heat from the body. Another cause could be your diet. If you are eating foods that are high in sugar or refined, you are increasing your risk of getting Candida.Some of Candida’s symptoms include headaches, gastrointestinal problems like acid reflux, indigestion and bloating, high level of fatigue, vaginal itching, diarrhea or constipation, chronic pain, changes in mood such as depression, anxiety and irritability, acne and even eczema."Women who have experienced the unpleasantness of a yeast infection are prescribed over-the-counter creams which must be applied directly to the affected area”, Dr Rwamwejo continued. Sometimes oral medication is prescribed if the creams do not do the trick or if the Candida has moved to a different part of the body.The most effective way of treating this is avoiding the use of things like antiseptic soaps in private parts and tight underwear. For people who do not like the idea of medicine, many herbal remedies promise to rid your body of this nuisance. Most of them have helpful ingredients like apple cider, vinegar, tea tree oil and garlic.