Foods that cause annoying heartburn

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits are common heartburn triggers. If you can’t live without citrus containing foods, avoid consuming them on an empty stomach and opt for low-acid citrus juices.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Citrus fruits such as oranges are commonly associated with heartburn. Net photo.

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits are common heartburn triggers. If you can’t live without citrus containing foods, avoid consuming them on an empty stomach and opt for low-acid citrus juices.Tomatoes are highly acidic and individuals suffering from heartburn are likely to see an increase in symptoms after eating them. The amount of acid found in fresh tomatoes multiplies when tomatoes are used in cooked dishes like soups. Spicy foods such as peppers, chili and other heat-containing foods can trigger heartburn. Unlike some of the other foods on this list, eating spicy foods in small doses generally will not decrease heartburn symptoms. Cheese, nuts and meats do not appear to be in the same food category. But they are fatty foods. Foods that are high in fat do not digest as quickly as low-fat foods and so the food just builds up in the stomach and presses on the esophageal sphincter. Alcohol can also cause heartburn. Red wine is especially problematic for heartburn sufferers because the red grape has a similar effect as tomatoes and citrus fruits.  Coffee, tea, soda and other caffeinated beverages or foods can trigger a heartburn episode. Before enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, be sure to have a light meal to coat the stomach.Aside from the caffeine in chocolate, the substance itself can cause heartburn. Chocolate has the same relaxing effect on the esophageal sphincter as peppermint and alcohol, resulting in an increased risk of stomach acid. Carbonated beverages can result in a distended abdomen resulting from excess gas. Because that gassy, bloated feeling can be felt after just a few sips, heartburn sufferers would be wise to avoid carbonated beverages altogether.