Juggling work and fitness

With today’s crazy work schedules, it’s almost impossible for women to have time for the gym. After a long day at work, women usually run home to make sure the baby is fine and dinner is prepared the right way. This all leaves little or no time for a workout.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Exercising while at work. Net photo.

With today’s crazy work schedules, it’s almost impossible for women to have time for the gym. After a long day at work, women usually run home to make sure the baby is fine and dinner is prepared the right way. This all leaves little or no time for a workout.However, you can still keep fit and work out throughout the day at your work place. The beauty about this is that it’s simple and absolutely free of charge.One of the most effective fitness tips you can carry out while at work is using the stairs instead of a lift. Most people’s offices are in storied buildings, so utilise the stairs to keep yourself fit. Using the stairs elevates your heart rate and depending on your pace, burns calories quickly, according to a health website, livestrong.com. According to this website, climbing upstairs burns 530 to 835 calories per hour. In comparison, you burn 175 to 275 calories walking 20-minutes and 295 to 465 walking 15-minutes. Most women have a habit of sending the office messenger or tea girl to get them tea or help them buy airtime.Well, if you decide to do this on your own, then you are actually working out.Get off your desk and go buy your airtime or make your own tea. That way, your body stays active.I know a lady who drives to places that are a stone throw away. She wants every small thing done for her while she just sits back and makes orders. Because of this lazy lifestyle, she isn’t really fit.Her lifestyle has only made her overweight simply because she can’t even do the easiest exercise such as walking.Don’t just sit at your desk all day. Use your coffee and lunch break to stretch abit and walk around. That way, you’ll be burning some calories while at work and you don’t have to be wearing gym clothes or paying an expensive gym fee.