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The Private Sector Federation (PSF) has begun issuing membership cards to the business community. The move is intended to better organise the private sector and improve services offered to PSF members.

Saturday, May 24, 2008
PSF secretary general Emmanuel Hategeka (File photo).

The Private Sector Federation (PSF) has begun issuing membership cards to the business community. The move is intended to better organise the private sector and improve services offered to PSF members.

During the issuing of cards in Muhanga District, PSF Secretary General Emannuel Hategeka explained that the initiative comes after businesspeople complained that they lacked proof of membership which was undermining their chances of winning tenders.

They also claimed that businesses not part of PSF are damaging the reputation of the private sector. Incompetent businesses are winning public tenders but perform badly, Hategeka said.

According to Yvette Mukarwema, the PSF director of membership services and communication, the cards will give recognition and preferential treatment to federation members when submitting tenders.

PSF membership costs Frw100,000 annually.
