Editorial: Women Today

The Women Today team welcomes you this week’s magazine. Our sole goal is give a voice to Rwanda’s women by offering a place where their interests come first.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Women Today team welcomes you this week’s magazine. Our sole goal is give a voice to Rwanda’s women by offering a place where their interests come first. Thereby ensuring that their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.Today, the weekly Q&A has changed. The Women Today team came to the realisation that it wasn’t enough to interview only women. Plenty of our male counterparts work in women-relevant professions and we felt that we needed their input in order to better inform ourselves. We are starting with Dr, Eugene Ngoga, one of the most eminent Obstetric-gynecologist’s in the country.  According to the anonymous 21st Century Woman, women should be allowed to ask a man on a date. While this doesn’t seem normal, the reasons that she gives makes on sit up and listen. Are we simply being sexist when it comes to this facet of male-female relations and calling it culture or tradition?Have you ever wondered why men refuse to hold your handbag, especially in public? Is there something about a woman’s bag that men are allergic to or are they simply being silly? Our resident male expert gives insightful advice to the women out there who feel like tearing their hair out in frustration and confusion. Are you the kind of person to come home, straight from work and plop in front of the television to watch an interesting series? Well, perhaps we can suggest ‘Single Ladies’, an exciting new series that you can rent or download. Or perhaps you are the type to sip some tea and quietly enjoy a book instead? Well, if you are, turn to page six and see the suggestions we have. We wish you all a great week and a good read

Editor: Sunny NtayombyaSub - Editor:Rachel GarukaDesigner: Herbert KiggweContributors:  Pelagie N. Mbabazi, Patrick Buchana,  Izela Barlow, Doreen Umutesi,Maria Kaitesi, Evaline Namuwaya, Caroline Joan Peixoto.