Their views on traffic and road safety

“When you are crossing the road you need to be very careful because some drivers don’t care about other users.”Honoline Umutoni, 15, P.6

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Honoline Umutoni

"When you are crossing the road you need to be very careful because some drivers don’t care about other users.”Honoline Umutoni, 15, P.6 "Some people don’t follow traffic instructions and also ignore traffic lights and this can cause accidents. It is better to follow the rules no matter how late you are going to be because if you don’t, you might not make it at all.”Fostine Mwizerwa 11, .P6 "My advice to older people is that they should help children and elderly people across the road. Do not be selfish – if you see that someone needs help then take their hand and help them.”Pacifique Ndanyuzwe 12, P.6"When I find anyone who seems scared of busy roads I help them cross because it’s so tricky even for people who are used to busy roads.”Henry Kevin, 13, P.5. "Pedestrians should look right and left before crossing the road because some drivers are distracted by small things and can unknowingly hit you.”Deliphine Niyigena, 12, P.6 "Every road user should be responsible because many accidents happen because of our carelessness.”Edisa Abahuje 13, P.6 "Children need the most protection, therefore drivers should take that into consideration and drive as parents who worry about their own children crossing the road!”Kelly Umuhoza 12, P.5 "I can’t cross the road without helping a little one across.”Jacque Twahirwa, 13, P.6 "If you can’t make across the road on your own then be patient till someone who can help you comes along.”  Protais Halindintwali 14, P.6 "My biggest problem is when I am using a one way road –I get confused. I think other children have the same problem so I’m asking that people slow down so that kids can cross the road easily.” Yves Ruterana 13, P.5