Kagarama secondary school students speak on Agaciro Development Fund

Rwanda launched Agaciro Development Fund, last month, to raise more money to help speed up economic development. Teen Times’ Martin Bishop talked to Kagarama secondary school students and below are their views on the Fund.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Paul D. Hakizimana

Rwanda launched Agaciro Development Fund, last month, to raise more money to help speed up economic development. Teen Times’ Martin Bishop talked to Kagarama secondary school students and below are their views on the Fund.Agaciro Development Fund is one the best ideas that have ever come from Rwandans. I’m so proud to be Rwandan.Paul D. Hakizimana Rwanda started many domestic solutions to the problems we are facing and this has earned the country dignity everywhere. When this idea was born, I was not surprised but the amount of money collected did.Dennis AgabaThis is a great opportunity for all Rwandans to show love, patriotism and commitment to our country. It is something everybody is proud of and my only wish is for all Rwandans to keep up the spirit of unity and sharing. Janet NsemireThis shows that if we join hands, we can achieve anything. My only regret is that we didn’t come up with this initiative years ago.Linda Kirezi.Like His Excellency the President said the Agaciro Fund will not replace donor aid but will simply supplement it. We all know God helps those who help themselves and it fills us with pride that we are not just sitting around waiting for foreign aid. Edward MwebazeIt sounds like a very positive move but we (students) need to know more about it, because we only hear bits and pieces.Mary Ingabire