Make the most of your lessons

School would be so much more fun if lessons were interesting. Most times, students get bored during class because of dull lessons. On most occasions, students miss a lot because they didn’t understand the concept but I can assure it’s not the teachers fault.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Make use of the school library. Net photo.

School would be so much more fun if lessons were interesting. Most times, students get bored during class because of dull lessons. On most occasions, students miss a lot because they didn’t understand the concept but I can assure it’s not the teachers fault. Before the lesson, set your mind well and be determine to get all you can out the lesson. Concentration comes naturally to some people although the ability to concentrate (for those who find it hard) is acquirable. Have a good attitude towards the teacher. We achieve according to what we believe. If you believe big then expect big achievements in return. That said, if you believe in your teacher, you might just enjoy the lesson better and improve your grades.  Do a quick survey of the topic you are covering next so that you have a general idea of the when the lesson starts. This will help you stay focused and easily help you understand more.During the lesson, force yourself to pay full attention to the teacher and take notes. Make sure nothing else takes your attention; ignore all the noise or anyone trying to steal your focus. I know hot gossip comes during the lesson but you have plenty of time to engage in that once classes are over. After the lesson, re-read the notes you took down. Keep small summaries that you can read over during lunch break or any free time. Do not depend on your teacher’s notes alone – if you have a library, make good use of it.  Reflect on the lesson and discuss the main points with a friend because teamwork makes a great difference – two heads are better than one! Ask questions where you do not understand - never leave a question mark in your head. Change your attitude towards yourself. If you think you are a failure then you will be one.