Changing schools

Changing school can be a scary time for you. You might feel excited about new things to see and learn, but a bit scared about having to get to know new teachers and make new friends. You will probably also be sad about the friends and places you had to leave behind.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Making friends at a new school is not that hard. Net photo.

Changing school can be a scary time for you. You might feel excited about new things to see and learn, but a bit scared about having to get to know new teachers and make new friends. You will probably also be sad about the friends and places you had to leave behind.Kids change schools for many reasons.- Maybe your family has moved to another part of your town.- Maybe your family has moved to another town.- Your parents might have split up and you have moved away with mum or dad.- You may have gone to live in another country (that could be really scary, especially if they speak a different language from you).- Maybe you didn’t get on at your first school and you are making a new start at a new school.- Maybe you’re going to go to high school.Whatever the reasons for changing schools, it is a stressful time. Below are ways to cope with a new school1. Talk to people and make them laugh. 2. Ask to mingle with people. 3. Help people in the classroom and anywhere you suspect someone needs help. 4. Be your own friend, care for yourself and stand up for yourself.5. When you have a nice friend, try not to let them down them. 6. It’s easy if you just get to know one person. It’s hard to go into a big group.7. If you feel lonely or you want to make some friends the worst thing to do is to keep to yourself or be shy because then people will probably not notice you. 8. The best thing to do is to answer questions and make suggestions in class and be a happy person to have around, then people might want to be your friend. 9. Smile at people and they will want to be your friend. 10. Don’t try to show off; just be yourself.Changing schools is not easy and you will feel a bit strange at first, but just go slow when getting to know people, and join in groups or clubs inside and outside school. If you don’t understand all the work, tell your teacher that you learnt different things at your other school. Your teacher and the other kids will help you if you ask - and that is a good way to get to know