Time is more valuable than money

Most people look at their bank accounts with great attention and assess how much money they have to spend, invest, and give away but disregard the time spent, and thereby end up wasting this incredibly valuable resource.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Most people look at their bank accounts with great attention and assess how much money they have to spend, invest, and give away but disregard the time spent, and thereby end up wasting this incredibly valuable resource. Time is much more valuable than money because you can use it to make money but you cannot use money to purchase more time.Time is a great equaliser. Each day has only 24 hours – nobody has any more of it than anyone else. Everyone ranging from poets to presidents fills those hours in their respective obligations. Every single minute is unique, and once it is gone can never be regained.When someone has accomplished a lot, you can be pretty sure that he or she has spent considerable amounts of time mastering the required skills and utilising hours upon hours through sheer hard work. There are those who look at others’ accomplishments and say, "I had that idea, "or "I could have done that.” But ideas are cheap and intentions are just that. If you don’t invest the time needed to achieve those goals, then all you have are empty ambitions.People often say, "I don’t have the time to…,” fill in the blank with whatever you like: exercise, make dinner, write a book, start a company. What makes these people think that they have less time than anyone else? Of course they don’t. We all have the same 24 hours in each day and make real decisions about how we spend them. If you really want to get into shape, then get some time to exercise.  If you want to write a book, then pick up a pen and do it. And if you have an idea, go ahead and execute it. It is not going to happen if you plan your day around your favourite TV shows or spend hours updating your Facebook account. These are entertaining distractions that eat up your irreplaceable time.  We do not have enough hours in a day. Come up with creative solutions to this dilemma. The brainstorming results in an endless list of solutions – from the practical to the preposterous – demonstrating that there are many ways to extract more from each hour, each day, and each year. Some of the most interesting solutions involve figuring out how to do two things at a go. I know many people who have successfully incorporated this approach into their own lives.For instance, I met a woman named Toni Jean several years ago who was struggling to figure out how to spend time with her friends and take care of her growing family. She started a group known as "Chop and Chat.” Every Sunday, six friends got together to cook at a member’s home. Each member brought the ingredients to make a different recipe that was then split into six portions. Members took home six different main courses for the week. Chop and Chat was an inventive way for the women to cook together, socialise, and prepare meals for their families. There is an oft-quoted saying that goes, "time is money.” You can interpret this to mean that time is a valuable currency. In fact, each day, another 24 hours is deposited into each of our lifetime ‘accounts’. We have a choice about how to spend our time. We decide how much we spend right away, how much we invest for the future, and how much we give away. The worst choice is to waste these hours by letting them slip away.The writer is a young entrepreneur and the founder of Easy Goal Entrepreneurs Networks.Incase of any quesries, send them to easygoalentrepreneurs@yahoo.com