Editorial: A change for the better

A theme running through this week’s mag is new beginnings. Whether it be moving home, making new friends or turning to a life of fitness – we have stories and even some key tips on how to help such changes run smoothly.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A theme running through this week’s mag is new beginnings. Whether it be moving home, making new friends or turning to a life of fitness – we have stories and even some key tips on how to help such changes run smoothly.

This got me thinking about change. While new beginnings are exciting, there’s always part of me which approaches change with trepidation.

Even when I have instigated the change there’s an anxiety that accompanies my excitement. The reason is, of course, that we are all to some extent afraid of what we do not know.

This fear of the unknown prevents people from doing new things everyday. Ever wanted to join a club but been too afraid to sign up? Go to a party but chickened out at the last minute? Apply for a new job but never sent off the application?

We are all guilty. It is natural to feel afraid when you are entering into something unknown. Every adventure brings its own fears.

We feel capable when we are acting within the boundaries of the known. We know what we are doing, the pros and cons; we know what to do and what not to.

The moment we start inviting the unknown in there is a knee jerk reaction. No, this is dangerous!

But it’s probably not dangerous – we just don’t know. All that we know is necessarily in the past, it’s happened, otherwise how would we ‘know it’? Life is in the future and to embrace it we must encounter the unknown.

Let life be a constant adventure - always moving from the known into the unknown. And then there’s finally, ultimately, a quantum leap from the unknown into the unknowable.

But let’s not think about that. Instead, enjoy this week’s magazine!
