Are investors doing something on the ground?

Editor, Thank you for an insightful article. However, we have read a forest of promising articles about potential investors in this paper but they are nowhere to be seen on the ground.

Monday, September 10, 2012

(Reaction to the story "Eco-friendly plastic bags to be manufactured locally” (The New Times, September 10)Editor,Thank you for an insightful article. However, we have read a forest of promising articles about potential investors in this paper but they are nowhere to be seen on the ground. Can you track all these articles about these speculators and judge whether they happen on the ground? We are in dire need of projects that create more jobs and bring in revenues for the country.Vianney, Rwanda

--------------------------------------Editor,How does this square with your recent story in which you reported REMA’s assertion that this company’s plastics product failed the Authority’s standards for biodegradability? I hope corporate interests are not put before the more vital national interest of a living environment. As I have opined in the past, let our entrepreneurs look at this problem as an opportunity to develop innovative, environmentally-friendly solutions to cater for businesses’ needs for appropriate packaging materials. Their pioneering role will then give them a first-mover advantage as more and more countries find themselves having to bite the bullet and also ban plastics to conserve their environment.Keene


Editor,I can’t agree more with Mr Kalinda. We have to rely more on Rwanda Bureau of Standards. Let them declare to us the quality of samples they intend to manufacture here. Being present all over the world does not make them a quality assurance agency. They cannot supply and be at the same time the best judge of quality.Alphonse Nkusi