The street hawker who made it big

Jean de Dieu Nkurunziza, 31, became a thriving entrepreneur by selling food items along the road.

Sunday, September 09, 2012
Nkurunziza standing infront of his house. The New Times / Stephen Rwembeho.

Jean de Dieu Nkurunziza, 31, became a thriving entrepreneur by selling food items along the road. From humble beginning, Nkurunziza today heads a successful Rwf250 million Silent Hill Motel in Kayonza District that employs over 50 people.His business success reads like most entrepreneurs’ legends - from rags to riches, to rags again before more riches.His first real venture into the formal business world was when he first secured loan from a bank.Nkurunziza told The New Times his success story was never an easy ride."Even while attending a neighborhood primary school, I started selling odd goods from a roadside stall. I quit school because my parents had no school fees,” he narrates."I wasn’t one of those who accept misery as his destiny. I had to write my own fate; so I have done it in golden letters.As a young boy, he would buy small goods from Kabarondo market and sell them from roadside stalls. His weekends were spent selling cigarettes along the road which would earn him only a small sum to bear the expenses of education."The little sum which I used to earn from street vending did make me very happy, but not to the extent of quenching my total thirst. In fact, it motivated me to pursue work harder and make a mark of my own,” he continued to say."However, financial constraints deterred me from pursuing further education. But I maintained entrepreneurial yearnings.People wonder what it takes to become a top businessperson, know rising to riches from humble beginnings. So where do you start if you have dreams of becoming a successful businessperson”?One of the keys to success is having a clear goal and vision, he says. One has to be unbelievably focused and driven to make it in the business world."Age plays a big role because when you are young, you’re kind of fearless.  So, age was on my side, as young man, I took risks that contributed to impressive business turnover per annum.I never inherited or won a lucky lottery to get both fixed and non fixed assets I own today, it was through determination and hard work,” Nkurunziza said. "Of course, at some point I thought I was only in a venture, you know only dreaming. But I had that kind of courage and push that I still fail to understand where it came from.If you do what you love most you do it better, I love serving people. I own a hotel that serves people in many forms and that makes me happy above all. I enjoy seeing people travelling comfortably and my taxis do it well. So, I am kind of satisfied before I make financial profits, which I do.Another key to my success was that I was always in the right place at the right time, I never allow myself to be idle-not a single hour. I am either in physical work or doing some thinking (mental work), because I am always grounded by the knowledge that I have a humble background. So, no pretence!To be successful one has to have a good eye for business. It is also common knowledge that setting up a successful business depends on a combination of factors, such as self-motivation, a bit of brains, luck, good planning and effective implementation.I am still hungry to achieve more success; it is not easy in this highly competitive world and you have to out muscle some of your competitors to move forward. I do this by offering the best service to my customers,” he explained."Mine is simply an account of rags-to-riches that many others will be keen to copy”.