Tigo gives 5000 motorcyclists weather proof jackets

Tigo Rwanda has donated 5000 weather proof jackets to motorcyclists operating in Kigali city.Diego Camberos, CEO Tigo Rwanda, said the move was aimed at providing comfort and ensure cleanliness among taxi-moto operators.

Sunday, September 09, 2012
Youth and ICT Minister Jean Philbert Nsengimana distributes the Jackets to Motorcyclists on Friday. The Sunday Times / Timothy Kisambira.

Tigo Rwanda has donated 5000 weather proof jackets to motorcyclists operating in Kigali city.Diego Camberos, CEO Tigo Rwanda, said the move was aimed at providing comfort and ensure cleanliness among taxi-moto operators."At Tigo we believe that improving the livelihoods of people is the best way to grow our economy. We are happy that the jackets will contribute to improve the everyday lives of motorcyclists,” he said during the handing over of jackets at Kigali regional stadium on Friday.Camberos added that Tigo believes in making people simplify their lives and make them more productive, a thing the second country’s telecom in terms of customer base believes is the way to engage and support its customers’ social and economic growth."We achieve this through the products and promotions we have, and most importantly, through the way we establish dialogue with them,” he said "Our new global strategic platform will strengthen our brand’s position in the telecommunications market and provide the needed impetus to drive economies and promote prosperity among people across world”.Camberos added that the jackets are designed with reflective fabric to ensure comfort and visibility to all motorcyclists with a prominent unique code that allows easier identification of the driver for security, reinforcing traffic compliance.The Minister of Youth and ICT, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, said that efforts to support youth in improving their businesses  is one way of ensuring economic sustainability since the country’s future growth revolves around the  empowered youths."The government has put youth and ICT at the forefront of development of this country and we thank stakeholders like Tigo who come to support us in this initiative,” the minister said, urging youth to protect themselves from acquiring HIV/AIDS and avoid using drugs which may destroy their aspirations.Emmanuel Sikubwabo, a motorcyclist from Nyamirambo, said that the jackets will help them in maintaining cleanliness, smartness and increase trust of customers since they are comfortable with easily identifying motorcyclists taking them."Most people complain that some of us are shabby and smelly because of the weather changes and of course our nature of work,” the jolly cyclist said before adding "Now that we all have numbers on our jackets it will help customers know good and bad motorcyclists”.