Auntie’s corner

I am a single young man. I have been very unlucky in finding my one and true love; until six months ago when I met a nice looking young lady who is willing to share her life with me. Problem is that she lives abroad and we have never met eye to eye. My friends and family are warning me, but I feel she is the one. What’s your advice on this?

Saturday, September 08, 2012

I am a single young man. I have been very unlucky in finding my one and true love; until six months ago when I met a nice looking young lady who is willing to share her life with me. Problem is that she lives abroad and we have never met eye to eye. My friends and family are warning me, but I feel she is the one. What’s your advice on this?RobinDear Robin,Don’t believe everything you read online. People have been duped with this online relationship thing that is going on around these days.I understand the frustration of finding love, but I am not sure if committing yourself to a person you don’t know, is sure enough that you have met the right person.Until you meet this girl, there are a few things that you ought to know that might be possible eventually.This girl who is calling herself young and beautiful, might be one old lady who is now enjoying her pension, but what a better way than to spend it with a young man to make her last days here on earth worth her while.She might also be a criminal on the run. How well do you know a person for you to divulge all the information you did to her? People have been ripped of their cash by the so called online lovers.Listen here young one; there are many young and beautiful girls around you. The problem is that you have eyes but have refused to see. Look further and search everywhere.Go out and meet them girls. Churches, weddings, company parties et al- all these are breeding grounds for you to get a potential wife. Forget about running after a person whom you don’t even know how they look like, who they are- and if they exist – if at all.In your neighborhood, try and mingle with young men and women of your age. This way you have a better chance of growing your network which will eventually help you in your search for that one true girl.Sometimes when you feel you have hit rock-bottom talk to the nearest people around you. If you have a sister, try and talk to her to introduce you to her friends.