Tips to long lasting relationship

The type of relationship you have with your partner revolves around the type of communication pattern you have with your partner. It is always advised that when entering into a union with someone, you have to adapt a few things according to Dr. Phil Mcgraw a renowned author and a psychologist.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

The type of relationship you have with your partner revolves around the type of communication pattern you have with your partner. It is always advised that when entering into a union with someone, you have to adapt a few things according to Dr. Phil Mcgraw a renowned author and a psychologist.Embrace who your spouse is.Always support what is important to your partner. Unless you embrace who your spouse is, you will live a miserable life. One of the mistake people do is trying to change a person; instead of changing your spouse, guide them lovingly how to be a better person.Be willing to give what you receiveTreat your partner with dignity and respect, and they will reciprocate. If you show no respect for your partner, they will respond by hating and loathing you. In this case there is no need two people to live under one roof is what they have between is loath and resentment.Talk about your needs.Some people expect their partner to be some sort of an angel. Unless you talk about your needs no one can read what is on your mind. It is also important for partners to exchange pleasantries all the time. It is sad to note that two people share a bed, and cannot even as much as say a good morning to one another. Always talk about your needs with each other and you will set the pace to good communication.Contribute to your marriage daily.When in a relationship there is no such thing as his things or her things. From the time you get into the relationship, the two of you become equals. There should be no competition between the two of you.Mistakes are made, but the most important thing is that you are able to acknowledge mistakes, learn lessons, and above all, communicate with your partner, both in terms of areas where improvements can be made, and acknowledging the positives that both of you bring to the relationship as well.Commit to your marriage.What is important to a marriage is that the commitment you make to each other is something you work on every day for the rest of your life. Couples who are dedicatedthink of their relationship aswell as thinking about eachother as individuals. They arewilling to go through badtimes together because they share a sense of belonging to something bigger than the twoof them.The well-being of your children and other familymembers also helps build commitment to the relationship because the marriage mattersto them too.Never cheat Cheating has ruined many relationships. If it’s variety that you want, then do role playing, or anything along those lines. Being with someone else will make your partner wonder why someone else was better then them. If you are seriously considering cheating, you should consider ending the relationship so your partner won’t get hurt.Spend time with each otherYou don’t want to miss each other too much. But then you don’t want to spend so much time with each other to the point they are sitting in the bathroom with you.Tell your loved one how much you love them. If you don’t do this often, they’re going to feel neglected and like you don’t care any more.The fact is that relationships, whether dating or married, are hard. Things do not always go perfectly, fighting does occur, and it takes a 100% commitment from both parties to make it a success. Often when people break off a relationship, they feel as though something is missing. The "spark” has gone, leaving one or both people feeling inadequate and unfulfilled.