Mt. Kenya varsity to open Gicumbi campus

Mount Kenya University and Gicumbi District Thursday signed an agreement for the former to open a campus in the district.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Mount Kenya University and Gicumbi District Thursday signed an agreement for the former to open a campus in the district.According to Victoria Wuslin, the Chancellor of Mount Kenya University, which is based in Kenya, the extension aims at helping Rwandans acquire education in their neighbourhoods.."We are extending beyond Kigali because we realise the importance for Rwandans to be educated near their respective places of residence and it is our hope that the Rwandan hospitality spirit and our commitment will help improve of the education sector,” said Wuslin Gicumbi Mayor, Alexander Mvuyekure, welcomed the extension of the university to his district saying it would be the third in the district."We have lent them a building so that they can start soon but soon build their own,” he saidAccording to Prof. Musa Nyakora the Principal of Mount Kenya University, Kigali Campus, the new campus will facilitate their drive to offer more short courses alongside the diploma and bachelors’ degrees they currently offer."What we have been waiting for was the signing of the memorandum, studies from the new campus will start as soon as possible because everything is in place,” he said without precisely stating when the Gicumbi campus will open its doors.According to Nyokora, the Gicumbi branch will host the faculty of sciences composed of nursing, pharmacy, public health, faculty of education, diploma and masters’ in education, masters in development studies and short-term capacity building courses among others.