Agaciro Fund receives further boost

Legislatures from both chambers of parliament have contributed a total of Rwf136.5 million to the Agaciro Development Fund. The donation was handed over to the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, John Rwangombwa, on Friday by Senate President Dr. Jean Damascene Ntawukuliryayo and Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Rose Mukantabana.

Saturday, September 08, 2012
(L-R): Senate president Dr. Jean Damascene Ntawukuriryayo, Senate Vice president, Jean Du2019Arc Gakuba, Minister of Finance, John Rwangombwa and Speaker Rose Mukantabana, chatting after announcing parliamentu2019s contribution to Agaciro Fund. The New Times /

Legislatures from both chambers of parliament have contributed a total of Rwf136.5 million to the Agaciro Development Fund. The donation was handed over to the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, John Rwangombwa, on Friday by Senate President Dr. Jean Damascene Ntawukuliryayo and Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Rose Mukantabana.Dr. Ntawukuliryayo told reporters that Senators and staff members had raised a total of Rwf43, 255, 571."Being among the senior politicians in the country, we own this project and felt obliged to contribute. This is our contribution this year and we shall contribute even next year.”Deputies and the staff also raised Rwf93, 285,492.Speaker Mukantabana said: "As lawmakers, we are also going to play a significant role in passing on the message, by sensitising the populace about the importance of this noble fund. MPs will be making another big contribution in this regard as it is important that Rwandans wholly own this initiative.”She said Parliament will also monitor how the funds are utilised.In the meantime, the Rwanda Utility and Regulatory Agency (RURA) contributed over Rwf100 million with Rwf 67 million raised by the staff and Rwf 33 million by the institution.According to François Regis Gatarayiha, the director general of RURA, each employee contributed a month’s salary. "The whole staff decided together to play a critical role in contributing to the development of the country. We contributed our salary of one month to the Fund so as to build our future,” said Gatarayiha, adding the staff is composed of 103 employees.In a related development, the Office of the Auditor General for State Finances raised over Rwf 70 million as its contribution towards the Agaciro Fund.Auditor General Obadiah Biraro thanked the staff for their contribution saying it would boost the country’s development.Similarly, at the National Police headquarters in Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwangombwa yesterday received a cheque worth Rwf502 million from the staff of the Rwanda National Police (RNP) that would go towards the Fund.Rwangombwa thanked the Police for the contribution, adding that the act signals Rwandans’ commitment to work together towards national development.  "It’s a good sign that relates to your work as Police officers. This spirit (to raise the funds) signifies that with combined efforts, we can take a step ahead in as far as development of our country is concerned.” Also in attendance at the event was the Minister for Internal Security Sheik Musa Fazil Harelimana.Police Spokesman Supt Theos Badege said the donation was initiated to help preserve dignity and strive towards the country’s development."Each staff (member) agreed to pledge money equivalent to their monthly salaries, but in installments for a period of one year,” added Badege.Agaciro Development Fund is an initiative set up to raise funds domestically to accelerate economic development.