Why bad breath is a major health concern

Bad breath from the respiratory airways is a major health concern to the society and normally leads to social stigma especially for affected individuals if not resolved early.

Saturday, September 08, 2012
Dr Joseph Kamugisha

Bad breath from the respiratory airways is a major health concern to the society and normally leads to social stigma especially for affected individuals if not resolved early.This condition affects people in varying degree; some individuals suffer from the situation mildly whereas in others could be very acute and can hamper one’s self confidence. Therefore, people need to find early solutions to this problem.People suffer from bad breath for various reasons, but unless you are aware of them it will not be much of help to search for a bad breath solution. Treatment for bad breath problems depends on the underlying causes. Therefore, solutions for bad breath are normally derived from their causes.We notice many difficulties that one goes through if they are suffering from bad breath. For example, if a person with bad breath is invited to a party or meeting to deliver a word or interact with people, you can imagine the impression that other attendants will get on you.There is a saying that ‘first impression is the last impression’, it is needless to say what an adverse impact the bad breath problem will have on an individual’s social life.Bad breath is a condition that has many different causes and even though it is most often caused by oral problems, it can also be a symptom of a serious disease. One of the best examples is diabetes.It is important to understand that bad breath is not limited to a specific group of people and does not depend on an individual feeding habit as well.Bad Breath is caused by anaerobic bacterias, which use organic substances from food, saliva, and blood to produce smelly biological substances.Naturally people tend to know some solutions for the bad breath complaint especially if it’s a mild or minor condition. They tend to mask the odor by chewing a peppermint leaf or holding a clove in the mouth.Chewing mint or flavored chewing gum, eating sunflower seeds, rinsing with lemon juice and water, rinsing with salt water, and drinking hot tea are also recommended as natural solutions for bad breath. Bad breath almost never comes from the gastro-intestinal tract that is to say stomach and intestines.Alcohol and even certain mouthwashes containing alcohol are one of the causes of bad breath. This is because they can dry the oral tissues causing bacteria to proliferate. Certain medications for high blood pressure, antihistamines and depression can decrease saliva flow.Dental problems such as gum disease or cavities can also cause one’s breath to be unpleasant. Dental decay at the roots of the teeth may result into a sore in the gums with foul-smelling pus, thereby giving an unpleasant odor to the breath.Sinusitis does not cause bad breath directly. Foul smell will only follow after chronically inflamed sinuses produce large amounts of mucus.Chronic bad breath can be a sign of an ongoing medical condition, and should be diagnosed by a dentist. The main cause of bad breath most often treated by dentists is plaque buildup, which causes pockets to develop between the teeth and gums, which then fill with bacteria and food particles.The first step for the cure for bad breath is to know its causes. And then you can follow the suitable bad breath remedies to overcome the problem. Mostly breath odor comes from trapped food debris inside the mouth. The trapped food particles become a breeding ground for bacteria that causes bad breath.Bad breath can also be the consequence of improper cleaning of dentures, periodontal disease, and poor oral health. Smoking, tobacco and alcohol are also a major cause of bad breath. Bad breath can also be symptom of an undetected disorder of the lungs, stomach or bloodstream.Dry mouth is another important cause of foul breath. Dry mouth leads to less saliva production. This hampers the natural cleaning ability of the mouth, as saliva acts as a natural mouthwash and also reduces bacteria inside the mouth. Alcohol intake, certain medications, breathing through mouth instead of nose or disorder in the salivary gland can lead to dry mouth.A cure for bad breath includes some other essential things. Check with your doctor regularly, to rule out possibilities of gum disease. Drink enough water to avoid dry mouth. Bad breath remedies also include avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption.Mouth washes, breath mints and sprays may mask the odor of bad breath temporarily, but they don’t get at the source of the problem. Avoid sugary breath mints, which can make bad breath worse. Mouthwashes can help mask the odor but, for the most part, they do not usually last very long.Treating bad breath involves thorough cleaning of the mouth, throat and nasal areas. This has to be accomplished with special toothpaste, mouth rinse, nasal and throat sprays.The author is a doctor at the Rwanda Military Hospital.