Lesson from the Ministry of Agriculture

Editor, A prize well deserved for the Minister of Agriculture Dr Agnes Kalibata. We all witnessed the rigorous application of the policies and strategies that led to the extraordinary performance of the agriculture sector in Rwanda.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Editor,A prize well deserved for the Minister of Agriculture Dr Agnes Kalibata. We all witnessed the rigorous application of the policies and strategies that led to the extraordinary performance of the agriculture sector in Rwanda.

She has built a coherent team of dedicated experts in the ministry. She is a hands-on agriculturalist. We applaud her successes. Congratulations, Honorable Minister.Abdoulaye Balde, Kigali ----------------------------------------Editor,The Agriculture minister indeed deserved the prize and she is a good example among other leaders, we congratulate our leaders who have continually showed love and skills towards the development of our country. May God keep you well.Innocent Hodali, Kicukiro----------------------------------------Editor,We are very proud of the efforts of the Government of Rwanda in several areas, including agriculture. Food security is the basis for socio-economic development and national cohesion. The award given to Hon. Kalibata is an encouragement to keep moving forward. Congratulations to Minister Kalibata.(Reaction to the story titled "Agriculture minister winning a global award” published on September 6)Jean Népo , Ukozehasi