Why men cheat

Adultery has been around forever, and has been one of the most interesting topics to discuss. Most reality TV shows these days focus on it as well as do gossip magazines. However, we are so far from cracking this mystery. Women have for a long time tried to figure out why men cheat on them. 

Thursday, September 06, 2012
Some men do not realise the pain they put their partners through when they cheat. Net photo.

Adultery has been around forever, and has been one of the most interesting topics to discuss. Most reality TV shows these days focus on it as well as do gossip magazines. However, we are so far from cracking this mystery. Women have for a long time tried to figure out why men cheat on them.  From the earliest stage, we are taught the virtues of monogamy. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife,” says the Bible. Yet they still do it. Blame it on the genes; In troubled relationships, cheating is an easy alternative to the burden of a breakup or the agony of divorce. It is a quick fix for the sake of keeping up appearances. Some of us have gone as far as enacting the long-distance code - if you cheat in another zip code, it doesn’t count!With evolutionary psychologists telling men they are obliged to lay their seeds in as many women as possible to ensure their genetic survival, adultery is slowly becoming a defensible misdeed, which may explain why women are catching up with men in the game of infidelity.Because of their insatiable appetite for sex, some men are forced to fish elsewhere. Here are the main reasons why they opt to shed their devotion and cheat on their partners. Payback – If a guy finds out his lady was unfaithful, the only way to relieve his anger is by doing the same thing. For some men, this is the only way to even the scoreIt is exciting – Let’s be honest, men love chasing after women. There is something seriously thrilling in the hunt, chase and then conquer game! With a fixed partner, the game is over and the thrill nonexistent. For other men, the excitement is in the variety, like changing ice cream flavors after years of sticking to just one. You can get away with it - "What eyes don’t see, the heart doesn’t feel,” goes the old adage and it still holds true as long as there are no cameras around. The knowledge that no one will find out and no one will get hurt is reason enough for some men to grab a different helping. But be careful;, as men get craftier with avoiding detection, women get more sophisticated with detecting. Ego booster - Nothing lifts a man’s self-esteem like discovering that other women still desire him sexually. When in long-term relationships, men may begin to question their sexual marketability. Once a man knows he can get back in the game, let us just say he can’t say no!Opportunities swarm them - It is an uncontested fact that most men can’t say "no” to sex. Although guys aren’t constantly bombarded with sexual offers, sometimes an irresistible prospect presents itself. It could be an ex-girlfriend or maybe a horny colleague. The nagging partner - Most men have experienced at least one woman who thrives on making them feel like crap. Constant nagging, fighting and squabbling in the right ratio is the best recipe for a headache. Cheating with another woman is the most common escape from this domestic hell.Women let them - Truth be told, women are quick to forgive men for their unfaithful behavior. Maybe it is their fear of being alone or maybe women are simply merciful. Some women even blame themselves for their men’s shady escapades and take steps towards improving their relationship. The fact that many women let their men get away with it might compel them to commit the crime repeatedly. Women let themselves go - Long-term relationships have the annoying habit of making people lazy. No longer concerned with staying fit and attractive, a committed woman might lose the allure she once had. Her man may simply not find her beautiful anymore and making love to her is not as stirring as it once was. This is why most mistresses are gorgeous, young women.He fell out of love - After a long time together, a guy can fall out of love with his woman. When this happens, no matter what a woman does, it’s over! He will start by cheating then eventually work up the nerve to tell her the truth.