Rayon line up APR for pre-season Agaciro match

SIX-TIME national league champions Rayon Sport has formally requested a friendly match against champions APR in bid to raise funds that will go to Agaciro Development Fund.

Thursday, September 06, 2012
Clashes between Rayon and APR bring out the best out of each other. The New Times/File.

SIX-TIME national league champions Rayon Sport has formally requested a friendly match against champions APR in bid to raise funds that will go to Agaciro Development Fund.The club’s secretary general, Olivier Gakwaya, confirmed the development yesterday. "We have requested a friendly with APR and even informed Ferwafa of the development. We are planning the game to be played on Sunday at Amahoro stadium, all the gate collections will go towards this Fund,” he said. Rayon Sport was still awaiting the response by press time but they were optimistic that the initiative will be accepted.The two teams would use the match to prepare their players for the upcoming season that kicks off on September 15.The Agaciro Development Fund contributions being mobilised from all over the country will be channeled into the national treasury to finance development projects.