Mini-expo opens in Huye

HUYE–A three-day service and business exhibition has opened in Huye town, with a call on exhibiters to learn from each other.

Thursday, September 06, 2012
An exhibitor showcases energy saving stoves. The New Times / JP Bucyensenge.

HUYE–A three-day service and business exhibition has opened in Huye town, with a call on exhibiters to learn from each other.The exhibition, which will run until September 7, attracted over 40 local businesses, public institutions, cooperatives and Non Governmental Organisations, among others.The mini-expo, organised by the district’s Joint Action Development Forum (JADF), seeks to create awareness among the public of the various products and services available in the district.JADF is a district consultative platform for information-sharing and cooperation among various actors involved in socio-economic development process. It brings together local leaders and all development partners operating in a district.Officiating at the opening ceremony, the Executive Secretary of the Southern Province, Jeanne Izabiriza, challenged exhibitors to make sure they share their best practices to ensure better service to the citizens.She told them that such an occasion was an opportunity to learn best practices from others in a bid to improve on their products. She said: "Sharing with others your way of doing things and the quality services you offer will determine the success of this event. This is an opportunity to further improve your products in the future,” she said.On the first day of the exhibition, residents turned out massively at the Huye multipurpose hall and its environs, where the exhibition is taking place.A variety of products, including artefacts, agricultural products and clothes are on display at the expo.But another part is reserved to institutions that offer services, including banks, telecommunication companies, public institutions and NGOs.In an interview with The New Times, Leon Pierre Kayitare, a member of Huye District JADF, said they expected the exhibitors to share with the public what they are doing."It is a way of promoting the culture of accountability among the many actors involved in the district’s development process,” Kayitare said.Huye district mayor Eugene Kayiranga Muzuka told this paper the exhibition is in line with the good governance policy whereby accountability is a central element. He noted that the district is determined to make the exhibition an annual event. A similar exhibition was last held in the district in 2010.