Finance Ministry staff raise Rwf1bn towards Agaciro

Employees of the Ministry of Finance (MINICOFIN) and its affiliated institutions yesterday contributed over Rwf 1 billion to the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF).

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Employees of the Ministry of Finance (MINICOFIN) and its affiliated institutions yesterday contributed over Rwf 1 billion to the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF).The contributions from affiliated institutions include Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), Capital Markets Authority, Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB), and National Institute of Statistics (NISR) among others.CMA gave over Rwf 13 million, NISR contributed over Rwf100 million and RSSB gave Rwf375 million while RRA gave Rwf380 million among the many others who contributed.Speaking at the event, John Rwangombwa, the Minister stated that Agaciro Fund has so far accumulated to Rwf 10 billion which is out of the generous contribution from different Rwandans and other stakeholders."Agaciro Development Fund gives us much pride as Rwandans. This money will be used to accelerate national economic development. Thanks to all who are contributing to this great cause,” he said.He expressed gratitude to all the ministry’s employees and those from affiliated agencies for the great contribution.During the same event, best performing employees were awarded with medals and certificates of recognition.The minister urged all of them to embrace the teamwork spirit for the development of the nation.Agaciro Development Fund, to which donations are made on voluntary basis, is an initiative that was set up to raise more domestic resources to help accelerate economic development.