Play is not just for kids

If there is one thing my 7-year-old daughter loves, its playing. So much so that sometimes I wonder how she gets anything done at school! She literally lives for games! As an only child (for now), she resorts to turning me into her play friend. On most occasions, she assumes we are the same age and starts screaming at me if I’m not playing right!

Thursday, September 06, 2012
Play with your child whenever you get the chance to. Net Photo.

If there is one thing my 7-year-old daughter loves, its playing. So much so that sometimes I wonder how she gets anything done at school! She literally lives for games! As an only child (for now), she resorts to turning me into her play friend. On most occasions, she assumes we are the same age and starts screaming at me if I’m not playing right!Hide and Seek is a classic – she loves it like a mouse loves cheese. Playing with her is so much fun because she innocently lets you know exactly where she is hiding. When I shout, ‘are you ready’, she shouts back ‘yes’ and I go, ‘are you sure’ and she says, ‘yes’ –while I get closer and all I have to do is follow her voice. When it is her turn to count and I find myself a great hiding place, I’m assured that the next time she hides, she will be in that exact place because it’s just too good a hiding spot!We play all sorts of games like Snakes and Ladders, Ludo –even though I let her cheat most times because she is not good with the dice. Of late, I’ve been getting her to play Scrabble – which helps her pick up some more words. Contrary to what some people think, play isn’t just for kids. It is fun and it gives you a chance to truly speak your child’s language. That playing –with- mummy- is -so –much- fun look is priceless! Therefore, I make it a point to play with her as often as I can."I love playing with my boy – especially when he is playing with his Lego.  To be honest, I end up hogging all the action with excitement which amuses him sometimes,’ said mother of 1, Veronica Uwase. Playing not only refreshes a kid’s mind, but yours too – after all, all work and no play makes you a dull person! Put the dishes down for a minutes and play peek –a- boo with your toddler –they love that! Leave the office papers in the office and play musical chairs until you feel dizzy! Outdoor games are a lot of fun as well. There is a lot more space for you to run around freely and better places to hide! You could buy a soccer ball and play with your son from time to time –no matter how bad you are at it. I used to have a kid’s golf set when I was younger and much as I don’t love golf, it was actually fun. Walking through Nakumatt the other day, I noticed they had a variety of outdoor game sets you can play with your kids. Its great exercise for your kid and yourself - so quit being Cinderella and take a break from those chores!