Editorial:Women Today

The Women Today team welcomes you this week’s magazine. Our sole goal is give a voice to Rwanda’s women by offering a place where their interests come first.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The Women Today team welcomes you this week’s magazine. Our sole goal is give a voice to Rwanda’s women by offering a place where their interests come first. 

Thereby ensuring that their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.Today, the weekly interview is back and we have a guest of some renown.  Anita Kwizera Kivuye is the 30-year old Managing Director of Royal Services Agency, an event management firm. She is also member of Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs in the Private Sector Federation and a consultant as well. She is the quintessential modern woman, blazing a path for those behind her.According to the anonymous 21st Century Woman, just because someone is young doesn’t mean that they are unable to do a job. However, very often there are certain times when young people are punished simply for being young. Have you ever wondered why men want women to be submissive? Is it something that women should embrace or is it something that should be history?  Our resident male expert gives insightful advice to the women out there who feel like tearing their hair out in frustration and confusion.  Are you the kind of person to come home, straight from work and plop in front of the television to watch an interesting series? Well, perhaps we can suggest ‘Hope springs’, an exciting movie that you can rent or download. Or perhaps you are the type to sip some tea and quietly enjoy a book instead? Well, if you are, turn to page six and see the suggestions we have. We wish you all a great week and a good read