Gov’t initiates new business advisory scheme

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) has initiated an initiative dubbed Proximity Business Advisory Scheme (PROBA) to provide business support services to rural micro and small scale businesses.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) has initiated an initiative dubbed Proximity Business Advisory Scheme (PROBA) to provide business support services to rural micro and small scale businesses.The scheme that is aimed at fostering rural business growth and development, will be implemented as a subsidised voucher system in districts under the direct supervision of the vice-Mayor in charge of Economic Affairs.Technical experts facilitated by MINICOM will provide training and coaching in business related fields such as accounting, book-keeping, taxation procedures and other entrepreneurship skills.Yesterday, a total of 384 representatives from all sectors countrywide began an eight day civic education training programme at the Musanze-based Nkumba Peace and Leadership Centre.At the official opening of the training programme, the Minister of Trade, Francois Kanimba, challenged participants to use the skills acquired to transform rural micro-enterprises and respond to the real needs of the rural business setting."After this, you will be expected to plan and work together as you strive to improve the economic status of the areas where you come from,” he stated.The minister called for increased investments, especially from the local population, saying that this is a conventional way of contributing to the economic growth of the country.Calling for the need to increase local investments, the minister said that 77 percent of the major investments in the country are owned by foreign investors. "And half of the remaining are owned by the government,” he said,”.Kanimba pointed out that increased local investments would in turn increase the rate of job creation. Currently, an average of 125,000 jobs are created in the country annually.A participant from Rutare Sector in Gicumbi District, Theoneste Twizihiwe, was hopeful of the imminent benefits from the training."I already have the impression that at the end of this programme, I will have acquired vital skills to improve my business,” said Twizihiwe, who runs a boutique in his home district.