Bugesera, Gatsibo residents boost Agaciro Fund

BUGESERA - Residents of Bugesera District contributed Rwf 359.1 million to Agaciro Development Fund.   

Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Bank officials were ready to receive the money as it trickled in. The New Times / S. Rwembeho.

BUGESERA - Residents of Bugesera District contributed Rwf 359.1 million to Agaciro Development Fund.    More than 1,000 people gathered in Nyamata Complex Centre, for a fundraising event from where pledges were made and cheques were written to support the voluntary national drive. The money in Agaciro Development Fund  being mobilised from all over the country will be channelled into the national treasury to finance agreed-upon development projects.According to Bugesera Mayor, Louis Rwagaju, the enthusiasm with which people contributed the money, spoke volumes about the population’s zeal to participate in the country’s development. The Mayor said that devising home-grown solutions like Gacaca courts helped solve a number of issues, adding that the programme would be made sustainable.Monique Mukaruliza, the Minister for East African Community, said the idea to start the Fund dates back to the 2011 Government retreat where its initial name was thought as Solidarity Fund."We have had a positive beginning… we are planting a culture that our grand children will emulate. The fund will continue to be boosted over the years, it gives us responsibilities as citizens to contribute to the development of our country,” she said.Meanwhile, Gatsibo District has also raised Rwf 263 million for the fund. Ambrose Ruboneza, the Mayor, commended the residents’ contribution to the fund, noting that the money would mainly be used to develop rural areas."We have just started, be sure that we shall continue for centuries, as long as people conceptualize the whole idea,” he said.Before the pledges from the two districts, the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, John Rwangombwa, announced Monday that the collected funds had hit Rwf 7 billion mark.