Road safety: KCC must not crack under pressure

Editor,  Rwandan insurers are just joking with indiscipline on the roads. Visit Lagos! It’s just too late to restore discipline; we are at God’s mercy. I consulted on some project in Kigali and made this same argument. Luckily I was among many others.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Indiscipline on the roads need to be checked. The New Times / File.

Editor, Rwandan insurers are just joking with indiscipline on the roads. Visit Lagos! It’s just too late to restore discipline; we are at God’s mercy. I consulted on some project in Kigali and made this same argument. Luckily I was among many others. Kigali City Council just keep up the heat, don’t give in. But your staff should gather facts and explain this initiative intellectually, don’t take money by force or threats or undue advantage of superior position. You have very good intellectual reasons to make your case with. Rwanda is on the map for many reasons, including discipline on the roads. You lose it is gone forever. Indiscipline begets more indiscipline, not less. Insurers have contracts with their clients, let them agree which risks are insurable and which are bad news like the street lights and palm trees. Don’t insure them, let motorists pay personally or let their vehicles be auctioned. The City’s job is to protect the City’s infrastructure and environment. Motorists who can’t avoid static objects have no case to make. And it does not matter that it is the driver or owner, the owner remains responsible for civil damage done by his driver, I think. Criminal responsibility is upon the driver.The price of damaging this infrastructure should be put so high that motorists will have no choice but to avoid knocking them.Chiddi, Lagos


Editor,Insurers should view this as a high risk and therefore high premium product and price it accordingly, instead of contesting what they have no control over. Sell it as a product. Owen, School of Finance and Banking.(More reactions to the story titled, "Insurers protest City infrastructure compensation” The New Times, September 3).