Teach children to be God fearing

Kids are usually less attentive when it comes to faith or religion but what parents forget is that a child easily picks what to believe in at a tender age. Parents should therefore endeavor to teach their children right from an early stage about God.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Father and daughter in prayer. Net photo.

Kids are usually less attentive when it comes to faith or religion but what parents forget is that a child easily picks what to believe in at a tender age. Parents should therefore endeavor to teach their children right from an early stage about God.Children should attend Sunday school because this will mold them into God-fearing beings at an early age. Regardless of a parent’s busy schedule, time for prayer is very important. Parents should make time to pray and read the bible with or for them. Through this, children copy and learn how to pray and worship God. At that tender age, children have the faith to believe whatever they are told so parents should take advantage of this and raise their kids to love and respect the Lord. A child who is God fearing in most cases is obedient because they know that God does not like disobedient children, thus making a parents’ job easier. Children need to know the Biblical principals to help them in their daily lives. They need to know that God is the provider - giving them reason to thank Him.A child brought up this way will make their parents proud because they will always aim at pleasing God and in doing so, pleasing their parents as well.