10 things teens can do to save the world

Protecting the environment isn’t just a job for adults. It’s cheap and easy for teens to go green by making a couple of quick changes to your everyday lives.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Protecting the environment isn’t just a job for adults. It’s cheap and easy for teens to go green by making a couple of quick changes to your everyday lives.1. Turn Off the LightsWhen you leave a room that no one else is in, flip off the light switch. And whenever you can, open your curtains to let in natural light instead of using artificial lights. Saving electricity helps reduce global warming.2. Carry a Tote BagBefore you go out on shopping excursions, throw a tote bag into your purse. Then, with every purchase, hand it to the cashier instead of making them use a new bag.3. Go for a Bike RideBiking is free, fun and a great way to exercise - and unlike driving, it does zero damage to the environment. Every time you grab your car keys (if you drive consider biking instead. If you don’t have a bike, think about walking short distances instead - you can make walking more fun by listening to music.4. Get a reusable BottlePlastic water bottles are rarely recycled, and the water inside them isn’t much different from tap water. Instead, get a reusable bottle and refill it from the tap. 5. Shut Down & UnplugWhen you’re done using your computer every night, shut it down and unplug it from the wall before going to sleep. In addition, get into the habit of unplugging all your electronic stuff when you’re not using it. Appliances can suck electricity from the wall even when the power isn’t on.6. Buy VintageVintage clothing is, well, vintage, which means no new damage is done to the environment from manufacturing it. Plus, buying vintage is cheaper than buying new, and you can score really unique designer stuff from local consignment shops.7. Eat Less MeatMeat takes up to 5 times more water to produce than vegetarian alternatives and releases a lot of icky chemicals into our water supply. You don’t have to swear off meat completely, but consider getting a veggie burger or grilled cheese every once in a while.8. Turn Off the FaucetRunning the faucet while you’re brushing your teeth uses two gallons of water every minute. What a waste! Turn it off in between toothbrush rinses. The earth will thank you.9. Better the WorldDownload a Better the World sidebar for your web browser. It’s totally free, and you can raise cash for your favourite environmental cause (like polar bear conservation) just by surfing the web.10. Tell Your Friends!If you catch your friend tossing an aluminium can in the trash or leaving the lights on, say something. If you can change someone’s attitude about going green, you’ll be doing twice the impact you can do by yourself.                                                                                                                                 teenadvice.about.com