How to obtain good grades at school

The holiday is over and parents are dealing  with the stress that comes with paying school fees and requirements for their children. This shouldn’t surprise anyone as nothing comes easily. However, while parents struggle to play their part, students should also plan on how to get better grades this term.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Revision will help you pass your exams. Net photo.

The holiday is over and parents are dealing  with the stress that comes with paying school fees and requirements for their children. This shouldn’t surprise anyone as nothing comes easily. However, while parents struggle to play their part, students should also plan on how to get better grades this term. Being the last term of this academic year, a student should read harder than they did in the past terms because this is a promotional term. Good results do not come on a silver platter, what you sow is what you reap. Therefore, as a student regardless of which class you are in, parents expect high grades because they put in a lot of money to get you into school. This is how you can achieve those grades:Set goals; as a student, you must have an aim in life. Know what you want to be and set out to attain it. The will to reach that goal will motivate you even further into accomplishing your dreams. Work hard; for one to get good results they must read hard, attend classes, be obedient, and participate in class discussions. This will help broaden your knowledge and, in the process, prepare you for your forthcoming exams. Always make time for revision because this keeps your memory about a topic fresh in your mind.Have determination; no one can be determined for you, this has to come from you. Put in extra effort in your work to perform highly. You must have the zeal and desire to learn every passing day. With these small tips, success will surely come your way.