Dubai hospitality firm comes to Rwanda

Excellence Hotel Supplies Limited, a United Arab Emirates–based firm that supplies hotel equipment and services, has extendedits operations to Rwanda.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Denis Karera, President of Rwanda Hotels and Restraurants Association (C) launching the Excellence Hotel Supplies Ltd as while Emmanuel Murekezi, Director Operations(L) and Mirza Shakeel Director (R) look on. The New Times / Courtesy.

Excellence Hotel Supplies Limited, a United Arab Emirates–based firm that supplies hotel equipment and services, has extendedits operations to Rwanda.The facility which is based in Kacyiru, Kigali, comes as a relief to many hotel and hospitality industry proprietors in the country who were formerly duty-bound to shop in Dubai."Our showroom facility and office location in Rwanda will say much about our growing and expanding existence in this country,” said Mirza Shakeel Baig, the firm’s director.According Baig, the decision to operate in Rwanda was driven by the country’s business friendly environment that promotes private sector growth.Rwanda is currently enjoying the benefits of improved business environment as many foreign companies base their decision to invest in a particular country through the annual World Bank Doing Business Report.Shakeel stated that Rwanda is the first country in Africa where his firm has set foot in as a result of her fast economic growth and will to attract foreign investors."We have spent almost two weeks here and we observed that Rwanda is an ideal place for investment,” he noted.The Dubai based facility has the capacity to supply hospitality industry equipment to restaurants, bars and small to big hotels."Our clients list is global and we take pride in serving the highest level of sophisticated experienced buyers,” he said. Emmanuel Murekezi, Director of operations at the Dubair-based firm, said the company deals in in-house consultancy to advise customers on cost reduction. Murekezi, who doubles as a consultant in hospitality industry, stated that most Rwandan hotel proprietors have been shopping for hotel equipment and wares from Dubai, UK, China, India, among others, and during the process, their goods are delayed or get lost."I hope this facility will be an answer to many in the hospitality industry.”Registering a business at Rwanda Development Board takes just six hours, a government’s strategy to help improve the business climate, making it easier for local and foreign investors to do business.Dennis Karera, Chairperson of Rwanda Hotel and Restaurant Association (RHRA) said the presence of Excellence Hotel Supplies Limited in the country is a major development."Excellence Hotel Supplies is going to open a huge store in Rwanda and it comes at the right time when all of us in the country are focusing on service delivery. Having the right equipment is key towards improving service delivery,” he said."I encourage the firm to invest more in durable commodities and have competitive affordable prices in the market.”Karera stated that instead of travelling to Dubai, China, Europe, hoteliers will be able to buy items locally hence reducing on the time and cost spent while importing."One of the things we people in the hotel industry find very important is to go for durable items, if you want value for your money, go for an item that will last long,” he noted.Michelle Kubwimana, an interior designer with Rwanda Designs, expressed her delight at the new development. "This actually will make my life easier since there is no need of travelling all the way to Dubai to shop, instead I will get everything here.” she said.Kubwimana stated that she purchases most of the items on behalf of her clients, especially from the hospitality industry in the country.