Quality assurance vital for higher education

The Prime Minister, last week, said that government plans to carry out quality assessment of all Universities in the country. He made the announcement while officiating over ceremonies to mark 15 years of the Independent Institute of Lay Adventists (INILAK).

Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Prime Minister, last week, said that government plans to carry out quality assessment of all Universities in the country. He made the announcement while officiating over ceremonies to mark 15 years of the Independent Institute of Lay Adventists (INILAK).The importance of quality assessment in Universities cannot be overemphasised.  There have been reports of employers complaining about university graduates who are unable to perform while on the job due to lack of skills which they have supposedly been trained. Carrying out regular quality assessment of Universities will, therefore, go a long way in not only raising the bar in the field of higher education, but also in ensuring that Universities produce graduates who are  capable of meeting the challenges of the fast paced work environment.