Joint RDF/FARDC operations suspended

Following consultations with DRC and MONUSCO, Rwanda will today withdraw the two companies of RDF Special Forces that have been working alongside FARDC counterparts in joint operations in Rutshuru, North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Following consultations with DRC and MONUSCO, Rwanda will today withdraw the two companies of RDF Special Forces that have been working alongside FARDC counterparts in joint operations in Rutshuru, North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.The Joint Special Forces Operations is part of a bilateral security operation against FDLR with the objective to establish peaceful conditions in Rutchuru area.As a result of these operations, FDLR and affiliated armed groups such as Rudi SOC, Gaheza and others have been neutralised allowing the local population to live a normal life, according to the Rwandan military. In addition many FDLR elements have been repatriated to Rwanda.Brig. General Joseph Nzabamwita, the Military spokesperson said: "Following clashes between FARDC and M23, the operational environment has since changed and as such we have been planning and negotiating our withdrawal over some time.  We have been engaged in discussions with both MONUSCO and the FARDC regarding this.” "The two RDF special forces companies will withdraw along with FARDC counterparts up to Kibumba-Kabuhanga border area, where the RDF Special Forces will cross back to Rwanda on Saturday, September 1, while the two FARDC companies will proceed to Goma,” he added.Rwanda and DRC have been conducting these Joint Operations since the Umoja Wetu operations of January-February 2009. The current contingent has been in operations since February 2012.Brig. Gen. Nzabamwita pointed out that the joint operations will resume when the current situation normalizes.FDLR is composed of elements responsible for the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, which claimed more than a million lives.