Environmental management is everybody’s responsibility

Editor, There is every reason for Rwandans at large and the private sector in particular to acknowledge the contribution environmental management has made towards the present and future development of Rwanda.

Friday, August 31, 2012
Consequences of settling in marshlands a flooded neighborhood in Kacyiru. The New Times / File

Editor,There is every reason for Rwandans at large and the private sector in particular to acknowledge the contribution environmental management has made towards the present and future development of Rwanda.Rwanda’s fragile environment and natural resources under the increasing population pressure can only benefit from a collective commitment of all Rwandans to protect the resources which are vital for national economic growth and well-being.Private sector success will be accelerated by the support to environmental protection and a determination to seize vast opportunities in the domain to spur growth that has inter-generational benefits.I extend my appreciation to REMA Director General Rose Mukankomeje for the piece titled "Plastic bags are not a solution; let’s keep the momentum and light the way for others”  (The New Times, August 31).

This must serve as an "eye-opener” for all Rwandans in our united front (Agaciro fund is an example) to determine what we need for sustainable developmentAM