Movie classic : The Blue Lagoon (1980)

Spotted adrift in a boat with his deceased parents Richard and Emmeline, a baby boy is rescued by a passing ship. Adopted by the widow Hargrove (Lisa Pelikan), infant Richard is soon at sea again after he, his new mother and her baby daughter Lilli abandon ship in the face of a cholera epidemic.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Spotted adrift in a boat with his deceased parents Richard and Emmeline, a baby boy is rescued by a passing ship. Adopted by the widow Hargrove (Lisa Pelikan), infant Richard is soon at sea again after he, his new mother and her baby daughter Lilli abandon ship in the face of a cholera epidemic. Washing ashore on the same island populated by the first film’s heroes, Hargrove protects and raises her young charges until a disease also claims her life. Years pass and both Richard (Brian Krause) and Lilli (Milla Jovovich) become young adults. While Richard discovers his manhood by racing a lagoon shark and spying on the island’s dangerous natives, Lilli becomes a woman with her first period. Eventually their raging hormones lead the two into each other’s arms. Marriage and a pregnancy follow, but Richard and Lilli’s union is threatened by the arrival of a ship carrying a lovely captain’s daughter (Nana Coburn) with eyes for the loincloth-clad Richard. PG-13, Run; 1 hr. 41 min.Genre; Adventure, Romance Directed By: William A. Graham