PM launches ‘Security Week’

GISAGARA – Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi has called on citizens to hand over illegal arms and other dangerous weapons in their possession as a way of safeguarding the country’s security.

Friday, August 31, 2012
PM Habumuremyi hands over a mobile phone to a member of a community policing commitee, Thursday. The sets are expected to enhnance crime alert. The New Times/JP Bucyensenge.

GISAGARA – Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi has called on citizens to hand over illegal arms and other dangerous weapons in their possession as a way of safeguarding the country’s security.The Premier made the remarks yesterday while launching a one week national security campaign in Nyanza Sector of Gisagara District.The campaign, initiated by the Ministry of Internal Security, aims at educating the community on a wide range of issues concerning national security, including the illegal possession of fire arms, drug abuse, road accidents, domestic violence and child abuse, among others.Addressing thousands of residents who gathered at a football ground in Nyaruteja Cell, Habumuremyi urged those who still have illegal arms to voluntarily surrender them to security organs.He observed that such arms are used to commit crimes, citing theft and murder. Habumuremyi observed that such crimes have in the near past been committed in various parts of the country."It is the responsibility of each of us-young and old, leaders and citizens- to contribute to safeguarding people’s security”, the Premier observed.He challenged Community Policing Committees to intensify their efforts and contribution towards building safer and secure communities.The Premier also called up on residents to avoid property wrangles, which he said were also leading to the loss of lives.Habumuremyi further urged them to distance themselves from individuals hiding behind religious beliefs to obstruct various developmental programmes. He singled out Abagorozi and Abanyakabera as notorious religious groups frustrating government policies countrywide.At the launch of the security campaign, 70 members of the local Community Policing Committees (CPC) in Gisagara district received mobiles phones as a way of strengthening the sharing of information between them and security sources.