Home-grown solutions the way to go

Editor, Rwandans have made it a legacy to build their potential in solving their own problems. When we look back to our achievements through Gacaca courts, it was so successful despite the negative critics from the western world.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Editor,Rwandans have made it a legacy to build their potential in solving their own problems. When we look back to our achievements through Gacaca courts, it was so successful despite the negative critics from the western world. The Agaciro Development Fund is yet another homegrown initiative we Rwandans are yet to jubilate!Foreign aid will never make our nation rich nor advance growth. It will rather make us debt-laden, inflation prone, more vulnerable to the vagaries of the currency markets, and more unattractive to higher quality investment.Aid is simply, an unmitigated political, economic and humanitarian disaster. Aid may alleviate immediate suffering, but by its very nature, cannot be the ideal platform for long-term sustainable growth. Rich countries have no sympathy for our troubles but rather celebrate upon them, they subsidise our failures rather than rewarding our accomplishments.J Katushabe, Kigali