Does money mean success?

 In this world, yes Some say money can’t buy happiness; others say that is a lie to prevent the poor from rioting! Maybe. But what about success – isn’t it all about money?

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Rachel Garuka

 In this world, yes

Some say money can’t buy happiness; others say that is a lie to prevent the poor from rioting! Maybe. But what about success – isn’t it all about money?I understand there are many ways to measure success without including money but in this era, money pretty much sums up everything. So unless we are talking about Pluto, Venus, Uranus or those other planets inhabited by strange looking creatures we call aliens, earning money is arguably the epitome of success here on Earth. If you look up the word ‘success’ in most dictionaries it is defined as ‘achieving a lot/making a lot of money’. I understand that every achievement - like finding a cure for some deadly disease or winning an Olympic medal – is a success but all people talk about is how much one stands to gain from that success.  Not many will admit it but to humans, success means living well and having a lot of stuff and owning buildings. It’s true that personal success is gained by meeting challenges and overriding the hardships of life, so anyone who is disadvantaged can become a success. Even so, if that could change, if money could grow on trees, would they hesitate to grab it? I don’t think so because that money would certainly get them everything they ever dreamed of –most people see that as success and happiness! I know success can amount to anything like a great relationship with God, people and what have you. Job was a good man, he loved the Lord – I’d be shocked if he didn’t seeing as the Lord gave him everything. The devil felt obliged to intervene and dared God to strip Job of everything he had – claiming Job would curse Him. But Job stayed loyal even after his children were killed, his riches taken away and his skin covered in itchy wounds. But that Job we read about doesn’t exist in many humans today. Humans of today are good at praising the Lord when good things happen then cursing life when everything hits the fan.It’s funny how people lie and say they don’t need money to be happy. But how many would say no to a Bentley? Sure the Bentley doesn’t mean you are successful, but everyone who sees you driving it will think you are! You may not need a 3 storied mansion, but when offered to you, would you say no? Or most importantly, would people call you a failure? It’s what we all dream about whether we care to admit it or not. When we were young and our parents told us to study hard and become successful, in our minds that meant – get a lot of money! Every night we sat at our desks dozing off during night prep and the only thing that made us fight to stay awake was the money coming our way if we passed our exams. Hide it, deny it, sugar coat it, but it’s a fact. Money became the root of all evil – some people have fought, robbed, bewitched and killed for that paper. It’s the answer to everything – well save from God. But to some, God’s success is a bit a slow and not like the real thing– worldly success (read money) is a lot more fun.