Agaciro’s momentum commendable

From the look of things, Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF)is gaining unstoppable momentum.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

From the look of things, Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF)is gaining unstoppable momentum.When the idea was first mooted during last year’s National Dialogue, few would have imagined that it would get off the ground before the year ended. Now it seems the sky is the limit.While some might argue that the lightening speed with which the fund was put in motion— without prior widespread sensitisation of the masses might be misunderstood — that it is not some kind of a veiled tax, but a desire to bring everyone on board the development train, the level of understanding and adherence to the idea has proven them wrong.From the time it was officially launched last week, when it brought in a whopping Rwf1.2 billion, this week alone saw some government agencies – through their employees – bring in hundreds of millions more.The National Bank of Rwanda set the record by raising over Rwf300 million. The Ministry of Local Government and its affiliated organisations pledged Rwf188 million, and those were the only ones who managed to publicise their actions; but what about the silent majority?Regular updates of the amounts pledged or paid in, would spur those still fidgeting with their pockets, or have not yet internalised the concept not to be left behind, and it’s up to us all to mobilise them.It is too early to know or plan which priority development projects will benefit from the Fund, as it is the contributors, The People, who will decide, and in the end, benefit.