Pan-African Congress discuss cultural integration

Promoting Africa’s positive cultural values while combating harmful traditional practices can contribute to development on the African continent, an AU commissioner said on Tuesday.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Promoting Africa’s positive cultural values while combating harmful traditional practices can contribute to development on the African continent, an AU commissioner said on Tuesday.Speaking at the opening of the 3rd Pan-African Cultural Congress that kicked off in Addis Ababa, Bience Gawanas, the Commissioner for Social Affairs, said the congress would deliberate on emphasising that culture is a key contributor to sustainable development. "My expectation is that you will come out with practical implementable recommendations that will drive, that will emphasise that culture is a key contributor, a key indicator, and a key facilitator of sustainable development,” she said.According to the AU, sensitising society actors, including social, political, economic and decision makers on the importance of culture for the sustainable development of the continent, and strengthening the cross cutting nature of culture so that it is made part of the policies, are among the objectives of the meeting.The Congress is expected to provide opportunity for the exchange of experiences, best practices, expertise and networking within the continent as well as with international and multilateral partners in the area of culture as an important tool to contribute to Africa’s sustainable development.Cultural experts and practitioners, social scientists, development studies experts and representatives of government agencies, as well as participants from African traditional institutions and civil society organisations, are in attendance of the three-day gathering.