
Editor, Allow me to clarify on the story published in The New Times of August 20, titled “ICTR: End of an Era”. In the last paragraph of the article, it was reported that I talked of the possibility of setting up a UN genocide Centre in Africa with Headquarters in Kigali.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Editor,Allow me to clarify on the story published in The New Times of August 20, titled "ICTR: End of an Era”. In the last paragraph of the article, it was reported that I talked of the possibility of setting up a UN genocide Centre in Africa with Headquarters in Kigali.In fact what I was saying was that the "Umusanzu Centre” with a big collection of 5000 books on genocide and international criminal law; access to specialised electronic legal database and other public judicial records, looks like the biggest facility containing Information and Documentation on genocide on the continent.The last paragraph of the article in question does not reflect the reality of the issue.Innocent KamanziCoordinator, Umusanzu Centre