Starving will only make you fatter and unhealthier

You’re probably one of those who believe that going without meals will allow you fit into the size 6 clothes.Well, you got it absolutely wrong. In fact, starving yourself to lose weight might only make you gain more calories and turn you plump. Wondering how??!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

You’re probably one of those who believe that going without meals will allow you fit into the size 6 clothes.Well, you got it absolutely wrong. In fact, starving yourself to lose weight might only make you gain more calories and turn you plump. Wondering how??!!

Here you go. Women who starve themselves to lose weight often make up for the hunger at night by eating lots of everything simply because they are so hungry. After eating too much at night, next thing they do is sleep it off.When you store food in the body and the body isn’t active then it easily turns into fat. That’s why dieticians always advise people to eat little food in the night and also eat early so they have time to keep their bodies active before sleeping.Instead of starving oneself the whole day and then eating the equivalent of three plates of food at night, it’s better to eat healthy all day instead of starving.According to Hubpages, a health website, not eating will cause your body to automatically go into what is known as starvation mode. Your body realizes it is not getting enough nourishment so it begins storing fat to be consumed later. So, as you are not eating to lose weight, your body is actually retaining more fat cells. To produce energy, your body will first begin to burn muscle protein. Only when this muscle protein can no longer be burned will your body start to burn fat and by then you will have some very serious health problems. Starving yourself will only get you health complications and not the desired body shape you’re striving for. Due to the hunger, your body will be drained, dizzy and feeble due to lack of energy. According to the Hubpages, the body will begin to eat away muscle tissue since it doesn’t have enough nourishment. Without energy you will not be as active and therefore you will not be burning fat and calories.The body also won’t have vitamins and nutrients, which are vital for your body every day.Well, never think of starving as an option to losing weight. The key aspects of a HEALTHY t weight loss plan will forever remain eating healthy and exercise.