Isn’t it high time women stopped thinking its okay to always be late?

Everyone gets caught up by time once in a while but for most women, it’s a different story. Being late is like a culture for them; so much so that I’ve almost made it a point to also go late for appointments with them. But even then, they still come later than I do.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Women can still be on time and look good as well . Net photo.

Everyone gets caught up by time once in a while but for most women, it’s a different story. Being late is like a culture for them; so much so that I’ve almost made it a point to also go late for appointments with them. But even then, they still come later than I do.Back in school, we had discussion groups, which of course, included women. Personally our group of six had two females. Usually we would agree a time to meet and discuss as well as plan for other activities. But the women would always be more than 30 minutes or an hour later for these meetings. What shocked me the most is that they always thought it was very okay to be late while the men had gotten used to them coming late. They would keep saying "You know women have to take their time, wear their makeup and such”.For me it all seemed like words that emanate from an illiterate person. In the 21st century, where the world is moving at a very fast rate and women are agitating that men treat them as equals, there shouldn’t be such flimsy excuses for tardiness.Yes, men always want women to look good. But a serious woman should be able to all that in good time.